Source Code


This is a server-side function that retrieves the current user data from the authentication session. It uses the auth to obtain the session data, and returns the user object from the session if it exists. If there is no active session, it returns null.


import { auth } from "@/auth";

Function Definition

export async function currentUser() {
  try {
    const session = await auth();
    if (session) {
      return session.user;
    return null;
  } catch (error) {
  • The currentUser function is an asynchronous function marked with the async keyword.
  • Inside the try block:
    • It calls the auth function and awaits its result, which is the session data.
    • If the session exists (truthy value), it returns the user object from the session (session.user).
    • If the session does not exist, it returns null.
  • If an error occurs during the execution of the try block, it catches the error and logs it to the console.


You can use this function in your server-side code to access the current user data. For example:

import { currentUser } from "@/lib/utils/currentUser";
const MyComponent = async () => {
  const currentUser = await useCurrentUser();
  return (
      {currentUser ? (
          <p>Logged in as: {}</p>
          <p>Email: {}</p>
      ) : (
        <p>Not logged in</p>

In this example, the currentUser function is used to retrieve the current user data on the server-side.

Comparison with useCurrentUser

As mentioned, the currentUser function is designed for server-side components, while the useCurrentUser hook from the previous example is meant for client-side components in React applications. The latter utilizes the useSession hook from next-auth/react to access the session data on the client-side, whereas the currentUser function is to retrieve the session data.